We each have a life story, penned without ink, read by the people around us. Who's writing your story?

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Time to Move On?

"Whatever God has called you to go through in His providence, there is always hope."
"It's okay to be marked by the past but not okay to be controlled by it."
"If the past has a grip on you, is it time to move on?"

The pastor had my attention. Seemed to me I'd overcome many fears from the past. Or at least, with God's help, found the courage to do what needed to be done in spite of my demons. Like drive over 600 miles to Indiana to take my daughter to college and then drive home alone.

Our car after the crash in 2003
I'm not sure a person ever quite gets over the panic, the stress, and the trepidation that follows trauma. Nearly sixteen years after breaking my neck in a turnpike pile-up,* I'm relatively calm about driving in good conditions (well, most days), but the fear of fog, slippery roads, heavy rain, and snow still ties me up in knots. I have friends who choose not to drive (or ride) on the freeway at all. I understand. I know firsthand what can happen.

I can manage the necessary visits to see my family (trips to see my daughters and the grandboys and even to visit my late husband's family), but to plan an outing (i.e. road trip) that isn't really necessary still makes me a little nervous--even in good weather. It almost seems irresponsible to me. And that's where the speaker's comments challenged my thinking.

Just a few weeks ago, I booked a bus trip to see the Philadelphia Flower Show with my dad. A big step for me. The next day though, I again found myself wringing my hands with regret. What if something happens? My daughters need me, especially the youngest. I don't have to do this. The risk suddenly loomed large in my mind. Too large.

Perhaps my what ifs reveal fear and lack of trust. And, I might add, a desire for a little control. Yet God has been gentle and patient with me and, little by little, has been teaching me to walk according to His truth in an area that has been challenging. I'm meditating more on God's sovereign, yet gracious, control in all things . . . and the truth of Jesus' words in Matthew 6:27: "And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?" God will lovingly complete the good work He began in my children's lives when I'm here and when I'm not (Philippians 1:6). I want to make responsible decisions, yes . . . yet step by tiny step, I'm gradually experiencing more freedom in "moving on" and letting go of stubborn, even unreasonable, fear.

What about you? No matter what your past looks like, I trust these three thoughts will bring you closer to a God whose promises never expire and whose presence always brings hope.
"If the past has a grip on you, is it time to move on?"
"It's okay to be marked by the past but not okay to be controlled by it."
"Whatever God has called you to go through in His providence, there is always hope."

To read the story. Click HERE.
Last two photos: bing.com/images/free to use


  1. So good. So convicting. So needed. Thank you, Sarah!

    1. Blessings, Julie. Grateful that God nurtures us along . . .

  2. Thanks for sharing Sarah. I sure need encouragement to help me overcome my own trauma.

    1. Trauma comes in many forms. It's been a long road for you. Glad you're on this end of it. Thanks, Cindy.

  3. "...a God whose promises never expire and whose presence always brings hope." This thought especially spoke to me this morning. Thanks for a thought-provoking and encouraging post, Sarah. God is good!

    1. I am so grateful for God's gentle patience with all of us. And yes, He is good. Blessings, Cheryl.

  4. Sarah, Thank you for your inspiring words. You always can be counted on to help us all see God working in and through us.
