What was that noise? I couldn't place it, but it sounded like it was coming from the other side of my bedroom wall. With heart pounding, I glanced at the clock. Just after 1:00 a.m. The strange movement seemed loud in the dark of the night. A mouse? A rat? Or . . . I shuddered, willing logic to rein in my imagination.
Turns out a couple of mice had been chewing on the air conditioner I have stored in the attic. Armed with traps from ACE Hardware, I was rewarded with two gray mice with long tails . . . just like the pictures. How could rodents so small make so much racket? One more chore I can add to my ever-lengthening list of "things-I've-learned-to-do-since-Barry-passed-away." He always took care of the mice.
What have you learned to do because you had to?

Thanksgiving has a way of turning our focus to the past year to reflect on our blessings. We remember how God has seen us through the losses we never anticipated and the victories we never dreamed possible. He walks with us in the darkness and the light . . . in the dailyness of our lives.
This Thanksgiving, I want to thank God for . . .
- A year of learning and growing. I've read through Proverbs and the New Testament, which have been enlightening and comforting. I've also read:
- A Grace Disguised: How the Soul Grows Through Loss by Gary Sittser
- Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKoewn
- Better Than Before, a book about habits by Gretchen Rubin
- The Girl With Seven Names: Escape from North Korea by Hyeonseo Lee.
- My children and grandchildren who bless me with their intentional connections and love. And a new grandson, Victor, born October 12th.
- My community of friends and extended family who lend support and make me laugh.
- My network of helpers whose counsel and hands-on assistance are invaluable to me.
- Opportunities to share our story with various groups in PA and NY.
- Wisdom and patience to finish the Leader's Guide to Penned Without Ink: Trusting God to Write Your Story.
- The many, many answers to prayer, a testimony of God's abundant faithfulness.
- The ability to do my daily work.
- The challenges that make me stronger . . . from hard-to-make-decisions to the menial task of mouse-catching!
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