Thirty-five years ago today, Barry and I began our lives together promising to love each other for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health. Thirty-five years is a long time, yet it slipped through our fingers so quickly. Through it all, we've seen God's faithfulness over and over. Happy Anniversary, hon. I love you!
We dance together, you and I, in step to life's music.
Sometimes the sound of trumpets and flutes
Twirls us around dizzy, back and forth.
The driving bass and roll of drums
Bring matching steps of duty.
And when the soft whisper of violins catches us close and slow,
I look into your eyes
And know, whatever the orchestra plays,
We will always dance . . . together.
Happy Anniversary, Barry and Sarah!
ReplyDeleteHappy Anniversary to a lovely couple!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Jo Ann and Cindy! Grateful for God's blessings all along the way . . .
ReplyDeleteI love this, Sarah! Bless you and Barry as you celebrate God's faithfulness in your journey together<3